Ed Peddycoart wrote:
After searching some more and reading some FAQs on the opmi website,  I see sugestions on how to make a remote app use the local display to render, but that isn't what I need... Let me revise or clarify my question: 
I have an app which will run on 5 machines:  The app will be kicked off on Machine0.  Machine1,2,3,4 will render a scene to their own display, then send data to Machine0, which will use the data as input to render its scene, which will be rendered on its own display.
I'm missing the question.
Also, Is my understand of rank correct:  Rank is like a App ID#?  Rank = 0 is the initial process? and 1-N is all others?
The ranks start at 0 and end at N-1.

Typically, one thinks of all N processes starting at once.  E.g., you could have a hostfile that lists the 5 machines on which your processes will run.  When you use "mpirun --np 5 --hostfile myhostfile ...", all 5 processes will be started, each on its machine.  Each one should get to an MPI_Init() call, at which point they coordinate with one another to set up interprocess communications.

From: Ed Peddycoart
Sent: Fri 10/8/2010 11:10 AM
To: us...@open-mpi.org
Subject: OpenMPI and glut

I have a glut app I am infusing with MPI calls... The glut init appears to fail in the rank1 processes.  How do I accomplish this, that is, parallel rendering with GLUT and MPI?

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