Dear all,

I am trying to disable the eager mode in OpenMPI 1.3.3 and I don't see a real difference between the timings. I would like to execute a ping (rank 0 sends a message to rank 1) and to measure the duration of the MPI_Send on rank 0 and the duration of MPI_Recv on rank 1. I have the following results.

Without changing the eager mode:

bytes    MPI_Send (in msec)    MPI_Recv (in msec)
1            5.8                  52.2
2            5.6                  51.0
4            5.4                  51.1
8            5.6                  51.6
16           5.5                  49.7
32           5.4                  52.1
64           5.3                  53.3

with disabled the eager mode:

ompi_info --param btl tcp | grep eager
MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_eager_limit" (current value: "0", data source: environment)

bytes    MPI_Send (in msec)    MPI_Recv (in msec)
1            5.4                  52.3
2            5.4                  51.0
4            5.4                  52.1
8            5.4                  50.7
16           5.0                  50.2
32           5.1                  50.1
64           5.4                  52.8

However I was expecting that with disabled the eager mode the duration of MPI_Send should be longer. Am I wrong? Is there any option for making the MPI_Send to behave like blocking command for all the sizes of the messages?

Thanks a lot,
Best regards,
George Markomanolis

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