
Am 08.12.2010 um 21:20 schrieb Ralph Castain:

> Afraid I'm not an x-forwarding expert... :-(
> Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.
> On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:54 PM, brad baker wrote:
>> Ya, I just tested -x as well, and it does indeed set the value of DISPLAY 
>> correctly for every process, every time I run it.  Unfortunately the display 
>> is still not behaving as desired. Sometimes they open, and sometimes they 
>> don't.  
>> I'm currently using openmpi-1.4.1 over infiniband on a Rocks cluster.  Any 
>> ideas on how to debug this will be greatly appreciated. 

is `xterm` working, when you start it with `mpirun` on the nodes?

Besides defining -X all the time, you can also put it in ~/.ssh/config in a 
"Host *"  rule. SSH authentication is hostbased (or by a passphraseless 
ssh-key)? There is only one rank per machine?

-- Reuti

>> Thanks,
>> Brad
>> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> FWIW: I just tested the -x option on a multi-node system and had no problem 
>> getting the value of DISPLAY to propagate. I was able to define it on the 
>> cmd line, saw it set correctly on every process, etc.
>> This was with our devel trunk - not sure what version you are using.
>> On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:12 PM, brad baker wrote:
>>> Thanks for your responses!  I'm at home today so I can't actually do any 
>>> tests to 'see' if anything works. But I logged in remotely and I did as 
>>> Ralph suggested and ran env as my app.  No process returned a value for 
>>> DISPLAY.  Then I made a small program that calls getenv("DISPLAY") to run 
>>> with mpi, and each process returns NULL.
>>> I did some googling and found in the mpirun man page:
>>> "Exported Environment Variables
>>> The -x option to mpirun can be used to export specific environment 
>>> variables to the new processes. While the syntax of the -x option allows 
>>> the definition of new variables, note that the parser for this option is 
>>> currently not very sophisticated - it does not even understand quoted 
>>> values. Users are advised to set variables in the environment and use -x to 
>>> export them; not to define them."
>>> So it looks like I need to manually set them, possible how Jeff suggested.  
>>> I'll do some more research on this and get back after I've tried a few 
>>> things in the lab.
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Brad
>>> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Jeff Squyres <jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>> Are you using ssh to launch OMPI between your nodes?  (i.e., is mpirun 
>>> using ssh under the covers to launch on remote nodes)
>>> If so, you might want to just set OMPI to use "ssh -X", which sets up SSH 
>>> tunneled X forwarding, and therefore it sets DISPLAY for you properly on 
>>> all the remote nodes automatically.  But it does have the disadvantage of 
>>> being a bit slow, since it's coming through ssh.
>>> Alternatively, you can xhost +<source_host>, where <source_host> is the 
>>> host where your X app is running.  Then set your DISPLAY variable manually 
>>> to <source_host>:display and it'll just go in an unencrypted fashion.  This 
>>> is normal X forwarding stuff -- you can probably google around for more 
>>> info on this.
>>> NOTE: IIRC, xauth is better than xhost these days.  I stopped using X for 
>>> most things many years ago, so my xhost/xauth information is probably a 
>>> little dated.  Google around for the most recent / best ways to do this 
>>> stuff.
>>> On Dec 6, 2010, at 10:11 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
>>> > BTW: you might check to see if the DISPLAY envar is being correctly set 
>>> > on all procs. Two ways to do it:
>>> >
>>> > 1. launch "env" as your app to print out the envars - can be messy on the 
>>> > output end, though you could use the mpirun options to tag and/or split 
>>> > the output from the procs
>>> >
>>> > 2. in your app, just do a getenv and print the display envar
>>> >
>>> > Would help tell us if there is an OMPI problem, or just a problem in how 
>>> > you setup X11
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Dec 6, 2010, at 9:18 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Hmmm...yes, the code does seem to handle that '=' being in there. Forgot 
>>> >> it was there.
>>> >>
>>> >> Depending on the version you are using, mpirun could just open the 
>>> >> display for you. There is an mpirun option that tells us to please start 
>>> >> each app in its own xterm.
>>> >>
>>> >> You shouldn't need forwarding if you are going to see it on a local 
>>> >> display (i.e., one physically attached to the node), assuming you are 
>>> >> logged into those nodes (otherwise you don't own the display).
>>> >>
>>> >> If you are trying to view it on your own local display, then you do need 
>>> >> forwarding setup.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Dec 6, 2010, at 8:36 PM, brad baker wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Without including the -x DISPLAY, glut doesn't know what display to 
>>> >>> open.  For instance, without the -x DISPLAY parameter glut returns an 
>>> >>> error from each process stating that it could not find display "" 
>>> >>> (empty string).  This strategy is briefly described in the openmpi   
>>> >>> FAQs for launching gui applications with openmpi.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I'm assuming that by setting the DISPLAY envar to :0.0, each process 
>>> >>> will render to their local display, which is my intention, and as I 
>>> >>> previously stated works for up to 2 processes. So I believe it to be 
>>> >>> necessary.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> But I'm thinking I may have to configure some kind of  X11 forwarding.  
>>> >>> I'm not sure...
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks for your reply! Any more ideas?
>>> >>> Brad
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>> >>> Guess I'm not entirely sure I understand how this is supposed to work. 
>>> >>> All the -x does is tell us to pickup an envar of the given name and 
>>> >>> forward its value to the remote apps. You can't set the envar's value 
>>> >>> on the cmd line. So you told mpirun to pickup the value of an envar 
>>> >>> called "DISPLAY=:0.0".
>>> >>>
>>> >>> So yes - I would expect this would be behaving strangely.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> If you tell us -x DISPLAY, we'll pickup the local value of DISPLAY and 
>>> >>> forward it. What that will cause your app to do is, I suppose, up to it.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Dec 6, 2010, at 12:42 PM, brad baker wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> > Hello,
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I'm working on an mpi application that opens a glut display on each 
>>> >>> > node of a small cluster for opengl rendering (each node has its own 
>>> >>> > display). My current implementation scales great with mpich2, but I'd 
>>> >>> > like to use openmpi infiniband, which is giving me trouble.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I've had some success with the -x DISPLAY=:0.0 parameter to mpirun, 
>>> >>> > which will open the display on up to 2 of my nodes... any 2.  But 
>>> >>> > when I attempt to run the application on 4 nodes, the display is 
>>> >>> > non-deterministic. If any open at all process 0 definately will, and 
>>> >>> > sometimes process 3 along with that.  I haven't observed much 
>>> >>> > behavior from process 1 or 2.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > My command:
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > mpirun -x DISPLAY=:0.0 -np 4 -hostfile ~/openmpi.hosts ./myapp
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I've tried adding the -d option with no success.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Does anyone have any suggestions or comments?  I'll certainly provide 
>>> >>> > more information if required.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Thanks,
>>> >>> > Brad
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>>> --
>>> Jeff Squyres
>>> jsquy...@cisco.com
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