On Feb 24, 2011, at 11:15 AM, Henderson, Brent wrote:

> Note that the parent of the sleep processes is orted and that orted was 
> started by slurmstepd.  Unless orted is updating the slurm variables for the 
> children (which is doubtful) then they will not contain the specific settings 
> that I see when I run srun directly.  

I'm not sure what you mean by that statement.  The orted passes its environment 
to its children; so whatever the slurm stepd set in the environment for the 
orted, the children should be getting.

Clearly, something is different here -- maybe we do have a bug -- but as you 
stated below, why does it work for me?  Is SLURM 2.2.x the difference?  I don't 

> Now, the question still is, why does this work for Jeff?  :)  Is there a way 
> to get orted out of the way so the sleep processes are launched directly by 
> srun?

Yes; see Ralph's prior mail about direct srun support in Open MPI 1.5.x.  You 
lose some functionality / features that way, though.

Jeff Squyres
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