Excellent!  Glad you found the problem.

On Jul 16, 2011, at 9:36 AM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:

>  Thanks to all of your friends. It was my mistake. Actually the problem was 
> somewhere else very far away. When I made a separate file for you, it was 
> working fine. Then I understood that the problem is somewhere else. I found 
> that problem. Thanks to all of you people. 
> regards,
> Mudassar
> From: Terry Dontje <terry.don...@oracle.com>
> To: Jeff Squyres <jsquy...@cisco.com>
> Cc: Mudassar Majeed <mudassar...@yahoo.com>; Open MPI Users 
> <us...@open-mpi.org>
> Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 5:25 AM
> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
> I have to agree with Jeff, we really need a complete program to really debug 
> this.  Note, without really seeing what the structures look like it is hard 
> to determine if maybe there is some type of structure mismatch going between 
> recv_packet and load_packet.  Also the output you show seems incomplete in 
> that not all data transfers are being shown so it is kind of hard to 
> determine if packets are possibly being dropped or what.
> I agree the output looks suspicious but it still leaves a lot to 
> interpretation without really seeing a complete code.
> Sorry,
> --td
> On 7/15/2011 3:44 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>> Can you write this up in a small, complete program that shows the problem, 
>> and that we can compile and run?
>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:36 PM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>> *id is same as myid
>>> I am comparing the results by seeing the printed messages, given by the 
>>> printfs.... 
>>> the recv_packet.rank is the rank of the sender that should be equal to 
>>> status.MPI_SOURCE but it is not. 
>>> I have updated the code a little bit, here is it.
>>> if( (is_receiver == 1) && (is_sender != 1) )
>>>     {
>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Receiver only ...!!", myid);
>>>         printf("\n");
>>>         MPI_Recv(&recv_packet, 1, loadDatatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 
>>> MPI_TAG_LOAD, comm, &status);
>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Received from P%d, packet contains rank: %d", 
>>> myid, status.MPI_SOURCE, recv_packet.rank);
>>>         printf("\n");
>>>     }
>>>     else if( (is_sender == 1) && (is_receiver != 1) )
>>>     {    
>>>         load_packet.rank = myid;
>>>         load_packet.ld = load;
>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Sender only ...!! P%d", myid, rec_rank);
>>>         printf("\n");
>>>         MPI_Ssend(&load_packet, 1, loadDatatype, rec_rank, MPI_TAG_LOAD, 
>>> comm);
>>>     }
>>>     else if( (is_receiver == 1) && (is_sender == 1) )
>>>     {
>>>         load_packet.rank = myid;
>>>         load_packet.ld = load;
>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Both ...!! P%d", myid, rec_rank);
>>>         printf("\n");
>>>         MPI_Sendrecv(&load_packet, 1, loadDatatype, rec_rank, MPI_TAG_LOAD, 
>>>              &recv_packet, 1, loadDatatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_TAG_LOAD, 
>>> comm, &status);
>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Received from P%d, packet contains rank: %d", 
>>> myid, status.MPI_SOURCE, recv_packet.rank);
>>>         printf("\n");
>>>     }
>>> here is the output
>>> P11 >> Sender only ...!! P2
>>> P14 >> Sender only ...!! P6
>>> P15 >> Neither ...!!
>>> P15 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P8 >> Neither ...!!
>>> P8 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P1 >> Receiver only ...!!
>>> P9 >> Sender only ...!! P0
>>> P2 >> Receiver only ...!!
>>> P10 >> Sender only ...!! P1
>>> P3 >> Receiver only ...!!
>>> P3 >> Received from P13, packet contains rank: 14
>>> P0 >> Receiver only ...!!
>>> P0 >> Received from P3, packet contains rank: 9
>>> P4 >> Receiver only ...!!
>>> P12 >> Neither ...!!
>>> P12 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P5 >> Both ...!! P3
>>> P13 >> Sender only ...!! P4
>>> P13 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P6 >> Both ...!! P5
>>> P7 >> Neither ...!!
>>> P7 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P14 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P1 >> Received from P7, packet contains rank: 11
>>> P1 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P9 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P2 >> Received from P11, packet contains rank: 13
>>> P2 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P0 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P11 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> P3 >> I could reach here ...!!
>>> regards,
>>> Mudassar
>>> From: Terry Dontje 
>>> <terry.don...@oracle.com>
>>> To: Mudassar Majeed 
>>> <mudassar...@yahoo.com>
>>> Cc: 
>>> "us...@open-mpi.org" <us...@open-mpi.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 9:06 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
>>> On 7/15/2011 2:35 PM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>>> Here is the code
>>>>     if( (is_receiver == 1) && (is_sender != 1) )
>>>>     {
>>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Receiver only ...!!", myid);
>>>>         printf("\n");
>>>>         MPI_Recv(&recv_packet, 1, loadDatatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 
>>>> MPI_TAG_LOAD, comm, &status);
>>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Received from P%d", myid, status.MPI_SOURCE);
>>>>         printf("\n");
>>>>     }
>>>>     else if( (is_sender == 1) && (is_receiver != 1) )
>>>>     {    
>>>>         load_packet.rank = *id;
>>>>         load_packet.ld = load;
>>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Sender only ...!! P%d", myid, rec_rank);
>>>>         printf("\n");
>>>>         MPI_Ssend(&load_packet, 1, loadDatatype, rec_rank, MPI_TAG_LOAD, 
>>>> comm);
>>>>     }
>>>>     else if( (is_receiver == 1) && (is_sender == 1) )
>>>>     {
>>>>         load_packet.rank = *id;
>>>>         load_packet.ld = load;
>>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Both ...!! P%d", myid, rec_rank);
>>>>         printf("\n");
>>>>         MPI_Sendrecv(&load_packet, 1, loadDatatype, rec_rank, 
>>>>              &recv_packet, 1, loadDatatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_TAG_LOAD, 
>>>> comm, &status);
>>>>         printf("\nP%d >> Received from P%d", myid, status.MPI_SOURCE);
>>>>         printf("\n");
>>>>     }
>>>> A process can be a message sender, or receiver or both. There are 16 
>>>> ranks. "rec_rank" contains the rank of the receiver. It is displayed 
>>>> before the message is sent. 
>>>> Every sender displays this "rec_rank" and it should correctly. But on the 
>>>> receiver sides, status.MPI_SOURCE is displayed (after receiving message), 
>>>> but the value 
>>>> is not matching with the expected sender's rank.
>>> Sorry, but I still don't see how you are detecting the mismatch.  I assume 
>>> load_packet_rank some how relates to load_packet.  But why are you setting 
>>> it to *id instead of myid?  Also on the receive side I see no place where 
>>> you pull out the rank from the recv_packet to compare with 
>>> status.MPI_SOURCE.
>>>> I did not understand about kernel that you were talking about. 
>>> A "kernel" that I am talking about is a small piece of code someone can 
>>> build and run to see the problem.
>>>> See the code is very clear and it sends the message to "rec_rank" that was 
>>>> displayed before sending the message. But on the receiver side the 
>>>> MPI_SOURCE comes to be wrong.
>>>> This shows to me that messages on the receiving sides are captured on the 
>>>> basis of MPI_ANY_SOURCE, that seems like it does not see the destination 
>>>> of message while capturing it from message queue of the MPI system.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Mudassar
>>>> From: Terry Dontje 
>>>> <terry.don...@oracle.com>
>>>> To: Mudassar Majeed 
>>>> <mudassar...@yahoo.com>
>>>> Cc: 
>>>> "us...@open-mpi.org" <us...@open-mpi.org>
>>>> Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 7:10 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
>>>> On 7/15/2011 12:49 PM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>>>> Yes, processes receive messages that were not sent to them. I am 
>>>>> receiving the message with the following call
>>>>> MPI_Recv(&recv_packet, 1, loadDatatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_TAG_LOAD, 
>>>>> comm, &status);
>>>>> and that was sent using the following call,
>>>>> MPI_Ssend(&load_packet, 1, loadDatatype, rec_rank, MPI_TAG_LOAD, comm);
>>>>> What problem it can have ?. All the parameters are correct, I have seen 
>>>>> them by printf.  What I am thinking is that, the receive is done with 
>>>>> MPI_ANY_SOURCE, so the process is getting any message (from any source). 
>>>>> What should be done so that only that message is captured that had the 
>>>>> destination as this process. 
>>>> By virtue of MPI the MPI_Recv call should only return messages destined 
>>>> for that rank.  What makes you think that is not happening?  Can you make 
>>>> some sort of kernel of code that proves your theory that your MPI_Recv is 
>>>> receiving another rank's message?  If you can and then post that code 
>>>> maybe we'll be able to figure out what the issue is.
>>>> Right now, it seems we are at a deadlock of you claiming something is 
>>>> happening that really cannot be happening.  So unless we have more than a 
>>>> broad description of the problem it is going to be nearly impossible for 
>>>> us to tell you what is wrong.
>>>> --td
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> Mudassar
>>>>> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 07:04:34 -0400
>>>>> From: Terry Dontje 
>>>>> <terry.don...@oracle.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
>>>>> To: 
>>>>> us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>> Message-ID: 
>>>>> <4e201ec2....@oracle.com>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
>>>>> Well MPI_Recv does give you the message that was sent specifically to 
>>>>> the rank calling it by any of the processes in the communicator.  If you 
>>>>> think the message you received should have gone to another rank then 
>>>>> there is a bug somewhere.  I would start by either adding debugging 
>>>>> printf's to your code to trace the messages.  Or narrowing down the 
>>>>> code to a small kernel such that you can prove to yourself that MPI is 
>>>>> working the way it should and if not you can show us where it is going 
>>>>> wrong.
>>>>> --td
>>>>> On 7/15/2011 6:51 AM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>>>>> I get the sender's rank in status.MPI_SOURCE, but it is different than 
>>>>>> expected. I need to receive that message which was sent to me, not any 
>>>>>> message.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 06:33:41 -0400
>>>>>> From: Terry Dontje <
>>>>>> terry.don...@oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:terry.don...@oracle.com>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
>>>>>> To: 
>>>>>> us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>>>>> Message-ID: <
>>>>>> 4e201785.6010...@oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:4e201785.6010...@oracle.com>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
>>>>>> Mudassar,
>>>>>> You can do what you are asking.  The receiver uses MPI_ANY_SOURCE for
>>>>>> the source rank value and when you receive a message the
>>>>>> status.MPI_SOURCE will contain the rank of the actual sender not the
>>>>>> receiver's rank.  If you are not seeing that then there is a bug 
>>>>>> somewhere.
>>>>>> --td
>>>>>> On 7/14/2011 9:54 PM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>>>>>> Friend,
>>>>>>>              I can not specify the rank of the sender. Because only
>>>>>>> the sender knows to which receiver the message is to be sent. The
>>>>>>> receiver does not know from which sender the message will come. I am
>>>>>>> trying to do a research work on load balancing in MPI application
>>>>>>> where load is redistributed, so in that I require a receiver to
>>>>>>> receive a load value from a sender that it does not know. On the other
>>>>>>> hand, the sender actually calculates, to which receiver this load
>>>>>>> value should be sent. So for this, I want sender to send a message
>>>>>>> containing the load to a receiver, but receiver does not know from
>>>>>>> which sender the message will come. See, it is like send receiver in
>>>>>>> DATAGRAM sockets. The receiver, receives the message on the IP and
>>>>>>> port, the message which was directed for it. I want to have same
>>>>>>> behavior. But it seems that it is not possible in MPI. Isn't it?
>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>> Mudassar
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> *From:* Jeff Squyres <
>>>>>>> jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> *To:* Mudassar Majeed <
>>>>>>> mudassar...@yahoo.com
>>>>>> <mailto:mudassar...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> *Cc:* Open MPI Users <us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, July 15, 2011 3:30 AM
>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
>>>>>>> Right.  I thought you were asking about receiving *another* message
>>>>>>> from whomever you just received from via ANY_SOURCE.
>>>>>>> If you want to receive from a specific sender, you just specify the
>>>>>>> rank you want to receive from -- not ANY_SOURCE.
>>>>>>> You will always only receive messages that were sent to *you*.
>>>>>>> There's no MPI_SEND_TO_ANYONE_WHO_IS_LISTENING functionality, for
>>>>>>> example.  So your last statement: "But when it captures with ..
>>>>>>> MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG, the receiver will capture any message
>>>>>>> (even not targetted for it)" is incorrect.
>>>>>>> I guess I still don't understand your question...?
>>>>>>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:17 PM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>>>>>>> I know this, but when I compare status.MPI_SOURCE with myid, they
>>>>>>> are different. I guess you need to reconsider my question. The
>>>>>>> MPI_Recv function seems to capture message from the queue with some
>>>>>>> search parameters like source, tag etc. So in case the receiver does
>>>>>>> not know the sender and wants to receive only that message which was
>>>>>>> sent for this receiver. But when it captures with source as
>>>>>>> MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG, the receiver will capture any message
>>>>>>> (even not targetted for it).
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Mudassar
>>>>>>>> From: Jeff Squyres <
>>>>>>>> jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>>>>> <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> To: Mudassar Majeed <mudassar...@yahoo.com
>>>>>> <mailto:mudassar...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>> <mailto:mudassar...@yahoo.com <mailto:mudassar...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>> >>; Open 
>>>>>> MPI Users <us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>>>>>> <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 1:58 AM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Urgent Question regarding, MPI_ANY_SOURCE.
>>>>>>>> When you use MPI_ANY_SOURCE in a receive, the rank of the actual
>>>>>>> sender is passed back to you in the status.MPI_SOURCE.
>>>>>>>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 7:55 PM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello people,
>>>>>>>>>                        I am trapped in the following problem plz
>>>>>>> help me. Suppose a process A sends a message to process B. The process
>>>>>>> B will receive the message with MPI_Recv with MPI_ANY_SOURCE in the
>>>>>>> source argument. Let say process B does not know that A is the sender.
>>>>>>> But I want B to receive message from process A (the one who actually
>>>>>>> sends the message to process B). But if I use MPI_ANY_SOURCE, then any
>>>>>>> message from any source is captured by process B (let say there are
>>>>>>> other processes sending messages). Instead of MPI_ANY_SOURCE I cannot
>>>>>>> use A in the source argument as B does not know about the sender. What
>>>>>>> should I do in this situation ?
>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>> Mudassar Majeed
>>>> -- 
>>>> <Mail Attachment.gif>
>>>> Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
>>>> Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
>>>> Oracle - Performance Technologies
>>>> 95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
>>>> Email 
>>>> terry.don...@oracle.com
>>> -- 
>>> <Mail Attachment.gif>
>>> Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
>>> Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
>>> Oracle - Performance Technologies
>>> 95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
>>> Email 
>>> terry.don...@oracle.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> users mailing list
>>> us...@open-mpi.org
>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/users
> -- 
> <Mail Attachment.gif>
> Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
> Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
> Oracle - Performance Technologies
> 95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
> Email terry.don...@oracle.com

Jeff Squyres
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