

I’m trying to compile Open-MPI 1.4.3 using {MinGW;CMake} on a Vista-32-Bits.
I’m interested in running in parallel a fortran program (compiled with
C:\MINGW\bin\gfortran.exe )

I’m aware that a binary package has been released but – unfortunately – it
has been configured with the Intel compiler (ifort).


So, I configured and generated solution with MinGW makefiles and Native

Then compiling the generated solutions with mingw32-make leads to the
following errors :

1/ config.h is requested in …openmpi-1.4.3\opal\event but not found.

ð  Solved by adding config.h from …openmpi-1.4.3\opal\event\WIN32-Code

2/ Then : error: redefinition of `struct timezone' … error: conflicting
types for 'gettimeofday' … error: conflicting types for 'gettimeofday'

ð  Any idea would be more than welcome.

I’m aware that it has been addressed before in


3/ I also tried to try mingw32-gcc/g++/gfortran.exe compilers. Without

4/ I also tried with Visual Studio 2010 without success. I only have Visual
Studio C++ Express…

ð  Will I be able to build mpif90/mpif77/orterun/mpirun with these Visual
Studio makefiles coupled with MinGW compilers?


Thanks for your attention & Best regards,


Fabien Decung


Configurations & Tools : 

-          Open-MPI : 1.4.3

-          MinGW : latest stable (08/2011), using GCC 4.5.2 & C:\MINGW\bin
has correctly been updated in PATH.

-          CMake : 2.8.3


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