Thank you for your reply. I am implementing a load balancing function for MPI, 
that will balance the computation load and the communication both at a time. So 
my algorithm assumes that all the cores may at the end get different number of 
processes to run. In the beginning (before that function will be called), each 
core will have equal number of processes. So I am thinking either to start more 
processes on each core (than needed) and run my function for load balancing and 
then block the remaining processes (on each core). In this way I will be able 
to achieve different number of processes per core.

I can explain you the complete problem if you want. 


From: Ralph Castain <>
To: Mudassar Majeed <>; Open MPI Users <>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Process Migration

I'm not sure what you mean by "migrate". Are you talking about restarting a 
failed process at a different location? Or arbitrarily moving a process to 
another location upon command?

On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:18 AM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:

>Dear MPI community, 
>                                       Please inform me if it is possible to 
>migrate MPI processes among the nodes or cores. By note I mean a machine 
>having multiple cores. So the cluster can have several nodes and each node can 
>have several cores. I want to know if it is the part of MPI model to migrate 
>processes among nodes or cores.
>users mailing list

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