On 1/29/12 5:44 PM, "Reuti" <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:

> you compiled Open MPI --with-sge I assume, as the above is working - fine.

Yes, we compiled --with-sge.

>> #$ -pe orte 1-
> This number should match the processes you want to start plus one the master.
> Otherwise SGE might refuse to start a process on a remote node if you have set
> up a tight integration.
> Suppose you want to start 4 additional tasks, you would need 5 in total from
> SGE.

OK, thanks.  I'll try other values.

>> #$ -cwd
>> #$ -j yes
>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/${VXR_STATIC}/openmpi-1.5.4/lib
>> ./mpitest $*
>> The mpitest program is the one that calls Spawn_multiple.  In this case, it
>> just tries to run multiple copies of itself.  If I restrict my SGE
> I never used spawn_mutiple, but isn't it necessary to start it with mpiexec
> too and call MPI_Init?
> $ mpiexec ./mpitest -np 1

I don't think so.  In any case, when I restrict the SGE grid to run all of
my orte parallel environment jobs on one machine, the application runs fine.
I only have problems if one or more of the spawned children gets scheduled
to another node.  

> to override the detected slots by the tight integration into SGE. Otherwise it
> might be running only as a serial one. The additional 4 spawned processes can
> then be added inside your application.
> The line to initialize MPI:
> ...
> I replaced the complete if... by a plain MPI::Init(); and get a suitable
> output (see attached, qsub -pe openmpi 4 and changed _nProc to 3) in a tight
> integration into SGE.
> NB: What is MPI::Init( MPI::THREAD_MULTIPLE ) supposed to do, output a feature
> of MPI?

Well, I'm new to MPI, so I'm not sure.  The program was actually written by
a co-worker.  I think that it's supposed to set up a bunch of things and
also verify that our build has the requested level of thread support.

My co-worker clarified today that he actually had this exact code working
last year on a test cluster that we set up.  Now we're trying to put
together a production cluster with the latest version of Open MPI and SGE
(Son of Grid Engine), but Mpitest is now hanging as described in my first

> Is it for an actual application where you need this feature? In the MPI
> documentation it's discouraged to start it this way for performance reasons.

For our use, yes, spawn_multiple makes sense.  We won't be spawning lots and
lots of jobs in quick succession.  We're using MPI as an robust way to get
IPC as we spawn multiple child processes while using SGE to help us with
load balancing our compute nodes.

> Anyway:
> do you see on the master node of the parallel job in:

Yes, I should have included that kind of output.  I'll have to run it again
with the cols option, but I used pstree to see that I have mpitest --child
processes as children of orted by way of sge_shepherd and sge_execd.


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