On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Richard Walsh
<richard.wa...@csi.cuny.edu> wrote:
> I have not seen this mpirun error with the OpenMPI version I have built
> with Intel 12.1 and the mpicc fix:
> openmpi-1.5.5rc1.tar.bz2


I haven't tried that version yet. I was trying to build a
supplementary package to the openmpi 1.5.3 shipped with RHEL6.2, the
same source, just built using the Intel compiler.

> and from the looks of things, I wonder if your problem is related.  The
> solution in the original case was to conditionally dial-down optimization
> when using the 12.1 compiler to prevent the compiler itself from crashing
> during a compile.  What you present is a failure during execution.  Such
> failures might be due to over zealous optimization, but there seems to be
> little reason on the face of it to believe that there is a connection between
> the former and the latter.

Well, the similarity is that it is also a crash in the malloc routine.
I don't know if my optflags are too high, I have derived them from Red
Hat's, replacing the options unkown to icc:
-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -fexceptions -fstack-protector
--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=pentium4

> Does this failure occur with all attempts to use 'mpirun' whatever the source?
> My 'mpicc' problem did.  If this is true and If you believe it is an 
> optimization
> level issue you could try turning it off in the failing routine and see if 
> that
> produces a remedy.  I would also try things with the very latest release.

Yes, the mpicc crash happened every time, I could reproduce that.

I have only tested the most basic code, the cpi.c example. The funny
thing is, that mpirun -np 8 cpi doesn't always crash, sometimes it
finishes just fine.

Regards, Götz Waschk

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