>I just re-read the thread. I think there's a little confusion between the
terms "processor" and "MPI process" here. You said "As a pre-processing
step, each processor must figure out which other processors it must
communicate with by virtue of sharing neighboring grid points." Did you
mean "MPI process" instead of "processor"?

The code is designed to be run using only one MPI process per
core/slot/whatever word you want to use. I believe what is happening here
is that OMPI is launching all MPI processes on a single slot. This is why
my code is freaking out and telling me that a slot is asking for
information it already owns. So, in order to answer your second point:

>Secondly, if you're just running on a single machine with no scheduler and
no hostile, you should be able to: mpirun -np <whatever_you_want>
your_program_name When you get the "There are not enough slots available in
the system..." message, that usually means that *something* is telling Open
MPI a maximum number of processes that can be run, and your -np value is
greater than that. This is *usually* a scheduler, but can also be a hostile
and/or an environment variable or file-based MCA parameter.
I wanted to force MPI to only assign a single process per each slot, so I
used the -nooversubscribe option. This is when I get the error about there
not being enough slots in the system to fulfill my request. I can use
mpirun with np set to whatever I want and it will launch succesfully, but
then my code kills itself because the processes are being oversubscribed to
a single slot, which doesn't do me or my code any good at all.

So the problem is that even though I have 8, 24, and 48 core machines, OMPI
thinks each one of them only has a single core, and will launch all MPI
processes on that one core.


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