On Wed, 9 May 2012, Jiri Polach wrote:

You might want to use a smaller number of processors than those made
available by SGE.

Thanks for replying. I can imagine that in some special cases it might be useful to request N processors from SGE and than use M<N; in such cases I would specify "-np M" for mpirun, of course.

But this does not answer the question - if I just want to use as many processors as I request from SGE - do I need to specify "-np N" for mpirun or not?

Openmpi can be compiled with SGE integration. If present, you don't need to use the -np argument (I'm checking one of my submit scripts).

Otherwise I use


$NSLOTS is given transparently by SGE with the total number of slots

If sge integration is not available (check through ompi_info) you also might have to build the hostfile.

(which could be achieved, for instance, with

awk '{print $1" cpu="$2}' ${PE_HOSTFILE} > ${HOSTFILE}

mpirun -machinefile ${HOSTFILE} -np ${NSLOTS} ${EXEC}


best (sorry if I extended the answer)

 Ricardo Reis

 'Non Serviam'

 PhD/MSc Mechanical Engineering | Lic. Aerospace Engineering

 Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Turbulence

 Cultural Instigator @ Rádio Zero


 contacts:  gtalk: kyriu...@gmail.com  skype: kyriusan

 Institutional Address:

 Ricardo J.N. dos Reis
 IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon
 Av. Rovisco Pais
 1049-001 Lisboa

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