On May 24, 2012, at 10:34 PM CDT, George Bosilca wrote:

> On May 24, 2012, at 23:18, Dave Goodell <good...@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> So I take back my prior "right".  Upon further inspection of the text and 
>> the MPICH2 code I believe it to be true that the number of the elements in 
>> the recvcounts array must be equal to the size of the LOCAL group.
> This is quite illogical, but it will not be the first time the standard is 
> lacking some. So, if I understand you correctly, in the case of an 
> intercommunicator a process doesn't know how much data it has to reduce, at 
> least not until it receives the array of recvcounts from the remote group. 
> Weird!

No, it knows because of the restriction that $sum_i^n{recvcounts[i]}$ yields 
the same sum in each group.

The way it's implemented in MPICH2, and the way that makes this make a lot more 
sense to me, is that you first do intercommunicator reductions to temporary 
buffers on rank 0 in each group.  Then rank 0 scatters within the local group.  
The way I had been thinking about it was to do a local reduction followed by an 
intercomm scatter, but that isn't what the standard is saying, AFAICS.


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