On 7/30/2012 6:11 AM, Paweł Jaromin wrote:

Thanks for fast answer, but the problem looks a little different.

Of course, I use this code only for master node (rank 0), because only
this node has an access to file.

As You can see i use "if" clause to check sndFile for NULL:

if (sndFile == NULL)

and it returns not NULL value, so the code can run forward.
I have found the problem during check array:

                           long numFrames = sf_readf_float(sndFile, snd_buffor, 

                           // Check correct number of samples loaded
                           if (numFrames != sfinfo.frames) {
                              fprintf(stderr, "Did not read enough frames for 
                              return 1;

So, after that I went to debuger to check variables (I use Eclipse PTP
and sdm enviroment), then after inicjalization variable "sndFile" has
"no value" not "NULL" . Unfortunatelly sndFile has still the same
value to the end of program :(.
What do you mean by sndFile has "no value"? There isn't a special "no value" value to a variable unless you are debugging a code that somehow had some variable optimized out at the particular line you are interested in.
                FILE            *outfile = NULL ;
                SF_INFO         sfinfo ;
                SNDFILE         *sndFile= NULL;

Very interesting is , that "sfinfo" from the same library  works perfect.
At the end of this story, I modified the program without MPI , then
compiled it by gcc (not mpicc) and it works fine (in debuger sndFile
has proper value).
So it seems you believe mpicc is doing something wrong when all mpicc is is a wrapper to a compiler. Maybe doing a "mpicc --showme" will give you an idea what compiler and options mpicc is passing to the compiler. This should give you an idea the difference between your gcc and mpicc compilation. I would suspect either mpicc is using a compiler significantly different than gcc or that mpicc might be passing some optimization parameter that is messing the code execution (just a guess).

I hope, now is clear.
Not really.


2012/7/30 TERRY DONTJE<terry.don...@oracle.com>:
I am not sure I am understanding the problem correctly so let me describe it
back to you with a couple clarifications.

So your program using sf_open compiles successfully when using gcc and
mpicc.  However, when you run the executable compiled using mpicc sndFile is

If the above is right can you tell us how you ran the code?
Will the code run ok if ran with "mpirun -np 1" on the same machine you run
the gcc code normally?
When the mpicc compiled code sf_open call returns NULL what does the
successive sf_strerror report?
My wild guess is when you run the mpicc compiled code one of the processes
is on a node that doesn't have access to the file passed to sf_open.


On 7/28/2012 1:08 PM, Paweł Jaromin wrote:

Hello all

Because I try make a program to parallel procesing sound files, I use
libsndfile library to load and write wav files. Sytuation is strange,
because when I compile the program by gcc is good (no parallel), but
if I do it by mpicc is a problem with sndFile variable.

    // Open sound file
    SF_INFO sndInfo;
    SNDFILE *sndFile = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ,&sndInfo);
    if (sndFile == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Error reading source file '%s': %s\n", argv[1],
       return 1;

This code run witout an error, but variable is "No value"

Maybe somone can help me ??

Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
Oracle - Performance Technologies
95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
Email terry.don...@oracle.com

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Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
Oracle *- Performance Technologies*
95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
Email terry.don...@oracle.com <mailto:terry.don...@oracle.com>

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