2012/7/30 Jeff Squyres <jsquy...@cisco.com>:
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Paweł Jaromin wrote:
>> make all
>> Building file: ../src/snd_0.1.c
>> Invoking: GCC C Compiler
>> mpicc -I/usr/include/mpi -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP
>> -MF"src/snd_0.1.d" -MT"src/snd_0.1.d" -o "src/snd_0.1.o"
>> "../src/snd_0.1.c"
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:24: warning: return type defaults to 'int'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c: In function 'main':
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:45: warning: unused variable 'outfile'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:42: warning: unused variable 'FILE_OUT'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:41: warning: unused variable 'FILE_NAME'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:40: warning: unused variable 'AF_setup'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:38: warning: unused variable 'snd_buffor'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:37: warning: unused variable 'i'
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c: In function 'print_usage':
>> ../src/snd_0.1.c:29: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
>> Finished building: ../src/snd_0.1.c
> You might want to fix these warnings.  The first one and the last one seem 
> like they could cause nondeterminism.

Sorry, in the code is big mes, but I`am sure it not effects my
problem. - I tried another ways to solve the problem.

> Also, you shouldn't be adding -I/usr/include/mpi.  mpicc will add the right 
> -I option for you (e.g., do you know for sure that your MPI header files are 
> in /usr/include/mpi?).  It's useless at best, and harmful at worst (E.g., if 
> some other MPI implementation is installed into /usr/include/mpi).

I don't know why, but in Eclipse I had to add option -l. Was not
enought  #include mpi/mpi.h - problem "undefined references" in linker

>> no MPI -program which was based on
>> **** Build of configuration Debug for project snd_test ****
>> make all
>> Building file: ../main.c
>> Invoking: GCC C Compiler
>> gcc -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"main.d"
>> -MT"main.d" -o "main.o" "../main.c"
>> Finished building: ../main.c
>> Building target: snd_test
>> Invoking: GCC C Linker
>> gcc  -o "snd_test"  ./main.o   -lsndfile
>> Finished building target: snd_test
> I notice that you're not including -Wall and a bunch of other compiler flags 
> in the non-MPI install.
> I also notice that you're not compiling the same .c files at all.
> So if I'm understanding this thread right -- and I may well not be -- it 
> seems like you're saying:
> - when I use gcc to compile main.c, the program runs file
> - when I used mpicc to compile ../src/snd_0.1.c, the program fails
> If that's the case, your comparing apples to oranges here.

Not exactly, maybe I show You my thinking:

Because I need to procesing  wav files, I wanted load it into array,
then by MPI_Scater send   to nodes. I haveI found a code that does
this, and then i try use with MPI (sndfile lib). "main" in "snd_test"
is exactly this code, witch copmpile and runs without problems. So,
after that I copied it into MPI program to master node "rank == 0". I
expected run the same way like in no MPI program. It means, that I
compare normal code with the same code in MPI runs by node 0.

Jeff, Thank you for your commitment, but I'm afraid about
misunderstanding. I try clarify the problem as good as I can, but I
feel that You don't understand me. Maybe my english is not enough good
:(.I hope, background above, give you bigger view for what I want to
do. Maybe You have suggestion, how do it or good example how deal with

> --
> Jeff Squyres
> jsquy...@cisco.com
> For corporate legal information go to: 
> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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Paweł Jaromin

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