I'm trying to build OpenMPI 1.6.1 with Intel Cluster Studio 2012 for use on our cluster however I'm running into a bit of a problem. The OpenMPI itself builds fine as does the code I'm testing with. However when I try to run on more than about 16 processors the run seg faults and when I turn on traceback it seems to point to this call:


This is a pretty standard call. Even stranger when I use a different version of the Intel Compiler 12.0.3 20110309 it doesn't have any problems.

The version of the Intel compiler in Intel Cluster Studio 2012 is 12.1.0 20110811.

Does any one have any thoughts about this error? I've tried turning off any optimization to no avail. I even tried turned on debug mode for OpenMPI but I can't get any thing more specific as to why it is failing. I even tried compiling Intel MPI Benchmark, which failed in a similar way, which indicates that its a problem specifically with the interaction of MPI and the intel compiler and not the code I was working with.


-Paul Edmon-

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