Sorry for jumping in late in this thread.  More below.

On Sep 20, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Ilias Miroslav wrote:

> I prepared my own static OpenMPI files (mpirun, mpif90...) within 
> openmpi-1.6.1.tar.gz
> ./configure --prefix=<space> --without-memory-manager CXX=icpc CC=icc 
> F77=ifort FC=ifort LDFLAGS=--static --disable-shared --enable-static

What is the exact value of "<space>" that you are putting in?  Are you actually 
putting in a space (i.e., " ")?  That does not work for me -- configure errors 
out because the prefix was not an absolute path.

More specifically, can you detail the exact commands you used to configure, 
build, install, relocate, and then try to run the relocated Open MPI?

For example, I am able to do the following:

% ./configure --prefix=/home/jsquyres/bogus --disable-mpi-fortran --disable-vt 
--disable-mpi-cxx --disable-mpi-io --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default 
--disable-shared --enable-static
<...lots of output snipped...>
% make install > /dev/null
% cat <<EOF >> /home/jsquyres/bogus/etc/openmpi-default-hostfile 
? svbu-mpi027
? svbu-mpi029
% mpirun -np 2 hostname
% mv /home/jsquyres/bogus /home/jsquyres/bogus2
% setenv OPAL_PREFIX /home/jsquyres/bogus2
% set path = (/home/jsquyres/bogus2/bin $path)
% mpirun -np 2 hostname

And it seems to work for me.

Are you doing something different?

Jeff Squyres
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