On Sep 27, 2012, at 7:22 PM, Sébastien Boisvert wrote:

> Without the virtual message router, I get messages like these:
> [cp2558][[30209,1],0][connect/btl_openib_connect_oob.c:490:qp_create_one] 
> error creating qp errno says Cannot allocate memory

You're running out of registered memory.  Check out these FAQ items:


The second one tells you how to change your receive queue types; Open MPI 
defaults to 1 per-peer receive queue and several shared receive queues.  You 
might want to change to all shared receive queues.

> The real message tag, the real source and the real destination are stored
> in the MPI tag. I know, this is ugly, but it works. I can not store this
> information in the message buffer because the buffer can be NULL.
> bits 0 to 7: tag (8 bits, values from 0 to 255, 256 possible values)
> bits 8 to 19: true source (12 bits, values from 0 to 4095, 4096 possible 
> values)
> bits 20 to 31: true destination (12 bits, values from 0 to 4095, 4096 
> possible values)
> Without the virtual router, my code is compliant with the fact that 
> MPI_Comm_get_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_TAG_UB,...) is at least 32767 (my tags 
> are <= 255).
> When I try jobs with 4096 processes with the virtual message router, I get 
> the error:
>    MPI_ERR_TAG: invalid tag.
> Without the virtual message router I get:
> [cp2558][[30209,1],0][connect/btl_openib_connect_oob.c:490:qp_create_one] 
> error creating qp errno says Cannot allocate memory
> With Open-MPI 1.5.4, the upper bound is 17438272 (at least in our build). 
> That explains MPI_ERR_TAG.

+1 on what Hristo said -- remember that you get a pointer to an MPI_Aint.  So 
you need to dereference it to get the value back.

> My 2 questions:
> 1. Is there a better way to store routing information ?

Seems fine to me.  Just stay <=INT_MAX and you should be fine.

> 2. Can I create my own communicator and set its MPI_TAG_UB to whatever I want 
> ?

As Hristo said, no.  It's a limit in Open MPI.

Jeff Squyres
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