Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> writes:

>> Dropped CR is definitely reason not to use OMPI past 1.6.  [By the way,
>> the release notes are confusing, saying that DMTCP is supported, but CR
>> is dropped.]  I'd have hoped a vendor who needs to support CR would
>> contribute, but I suppose changes just become proprietary if they move
>> the base past 1.6 :-(.
> Not necessarily

It looks so from here, but I'd be glad if not.

>> For general information, what makes the CR support difficult to maintain
>> -- is it just a question of effort?
> Largely a lack of interest. Very few (i.e., a handful) of people
> around the world use it,

That's surprising; I've certainly felt the lack of it from using PSM.

> and it is hard to justify putting in the
> effort for that small a user group.

Perhaps it's chicken and egg with use and support.

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