when installing openmpi-1.6.4 (`cd /root/openmpi-1.6.4; ./configure 
--prefix=/usr/opt/openmpi-1.6.4/gcc-4.7.2/mxib --with-openib 
--with-mx=/opt/mx/1.2.16/3.2.0-4-amd64 --with-slurm; make; make install`)
we found some references to non-existing paths in *.la files as in the
following example:

`cat /usr/opt/openmpi-1.6.4/gcc-4.7.2/mxib/lib/libmpi.la` (this is the
installed version of openmpi after the `make install` from above):

dependency_libs=' -L/root/openmpi-1.6.4/opal/mca/hwloc/hwloc132/hwloc/src  -ldl 
-lrt -lnsl -lutil -lm'

Now applications using GNU libtool will stop here during their
compilation with an error because this path (which is a subdirectory of
the path were I compiled openmpi on a different system!) does not exist.
(And even if it would exist this would lead to a "permission denied"
error because /root is not readable ...and finally there are no libs in
the src directory /root/openmpi-1.6.4/opal/mca/hwloc/hwloc132/hwloc/src).

# are the *.la files necessary at all?
(probably the answer is no: we tested this by deleting all *.la files in
/usr/opt/openmpi-1.6.4  and it helped: application is compiling+running)

# why are these references inside the *.la files?

Thanks for hints-
Stefan Friedel
IWR * 523 * INF 368 * 69120 Heidelberg
T +49 6221 548240 * F +49 6221 545224

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