
"Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)" <jsquy...@cisco.com> writes:
>>> I'm starting to think that perhaps is a firewall issue? I don't have
>>> root access in these machines but I'll try to investigate.

> A simple test is to try any socket-based server app between the two
> machines that opens a random listening socket.  Try to telnet to it
> from the other machine.  If it fails to connect, then you likely have
> a firewalling issue.

yes, that's just what I did with orted. I saw the port that it was
trying to connect and telnet to it, and I got "No route to host", so
that's why I was going the firewall path. Hopefully the sysadmins can
disable the firewall for the internal network today, and I can see if
that solves the issue.

Ángel de Vicente

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