The FAQ assumes you realize that CIDR notation requires a value for the "x"... 

On May 7, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Angel de Vicente <> wrote:

> Hi,
> "Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)" <> writes:
>> The list of names in the hostfile specifies the servers that will be used, 
>> not the network interfaces.  Have a look at the TCP portion of the FAQ:
> Thanks a lot for this. 
> Now it works OK if I run it like 
> [angelv@comer RTI2D.Parallel]$ mpiexec -loadbalance --mca
> btl_tcp_if_include p1p1  -prefix $OMPI_PREFIX -hostfile $MPI_HOSTS -n 4
> ../../../mancha2D_mpi_h5fc.x\
> mancha.trol
> But, the FAQ seems to be wrong, since it also says that I should be able
> to run like:
> [angelv@comer RTI2D.Parallel]$ mpiexec -loadbalance --mca
> btl_tcp_if_include 192.168.1.x/24  -prefix $OMPI_PREFIX -hostfile
> $MPI_HOSTS -n 4 ../../../mancha2D_\
> mpi_h5fc.x mancha.trol
> but then I get the following error:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> WARNING: An invalid value was given for btl_tcp_if_include.  This
> value will be ignored.
>  Local host: catar
>  Value:      192.168.1.x/24
>  Message:    Invalid specification (inet_pton() failed)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If I specify the subnet as all is in order.
> I'm running 1.6.4:
> [angelv@comer RTI2D.Parallel]$ ompi_info
>                 Package: Open MPI angelv@comer Distribution
>                Open MPI: 1.6.4
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Ángel de Vicente
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