
Iam trying to link the jumpshot libraries with the graph500 (mpi_tuned_2d
After linkin the libraries and executing mpirun with the
graph500_mpi_custome_n binaries Iam getting the following segmenation fault.
I have no clue as to where the issue is. When I dont link the jumpshot
libraries with the Graph500(mpi_tuned_2d) sources the binaries run without
segfault error

[mercado-26:14493] *** Process received signal ***
[mercado-26:14493] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[mercado-26:14493] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[mercado-26:14493] Failing at address: 0x694930
[mercado-26:14493] [ 0] /lib64/libpthread.so.0() [0x30a5a0f710]
[mercado-26:14493] [ 1] ./graph500_mpi_custom_8(MPI_Testany+0xfc) [0x425d3f]
[mercado-26:14493] [ 2]
./graph500_mpi_custom_8(_Z7run_bfslPlRK12bfs_settings+0x1619) [0x41d909]
[mercado-26:14493] [ 3] ./graph500_mpi_custom_8(main+0xcd7) [0x40fef7]
[mercado-26:14493] [ 4] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd)
[mercado-26:14493] [ 5] ./graph500_mpi_custom_8() [0x40eca9]
[mercado-26:14493] *** End of error message ***
Please guide me in fixing this issue

Lokah samasta sukhinobhavanthu


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