Am 07.08.2014 um 17:28 schrieb Gus Correa:

> I guess Control-C will kill only the mpirun process.
> You may need to kill the (two) jules.exe processes separately,
> say, with kill -9.
> ps -u "yourname"
> will show what you have running.

Shouldn't Open MPI clean this up in a proper way when Control-C is pressed?

But maybe there is something left in /tmp like "openmpi-sessions-...@..." which 
needs to be removed.

-- Reuti

> On 08/07/2014 11:16 AM, Jane Lewis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This is a really simple problem (I hope) where I’ve introduced MPI to a
>> complex numerical model which I have to kill occasionally with Control-C
>> as I don’t want it running forever.
>> I have only used mpi_init(), mpi_comm_size(), mpi_comm_rank() and
>> mpi_finalize()– there are no send/receive calls going on at the moment –
>> and I only have two instances. My startup command is:
>> #/bin/bash
>> /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun  -np 2 -hostfile hostfile jules.exe
>> where hostfile has one entry : localhost
>> The result of terminating the process with Control-C at the command
>> prompt from where I launched it, is that I am then unable to run it
>> again. I get the
>> “mpirun has exited due to process rank 0 with PID 10094 on node
>> metclcv10.local exiting improperly. There are two reasons this could
>> occur:…” error each time despite checking running processes for
>> stragglers, closing my terminal, or changing node.
>> I have spent several hours searching for an answer to this, if it’s
>> already somewhere then please point me in the right direction.
>> many thanks in advance
>> Jane
>> For info:
>> #ompi_info -v ompi full --parsable
>> package:Open MPI root@centos-6-3.localdomain Distribution
>> ompi:version:full:1.6.2
>> ompi:version:svn:r27344
>> ompi:version:release_date:Sep 18, 2012
>> orte:version:full:1.6.2
>> orte:version:svn:r27344
>> orte:version:release_date:Sep 18, 2012
>> opal:version:full:1.6.2
>> opal:version:svn:r27344
>> opal:version:release_date:Sep 18, 2012
>> mpi-api:version:full:2.1
>> ident:1.6.2
>> I’m using centos-6-3 and FORTRAN.
>> Jane Lewis
>> Deputy Technical Director, Reading e-Science Centre
>> Department of Meteorology
>> University of Reading, UK
>> Tel: +44 (0)118 378 5173
>> <>
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