Hi Timur,

I don't think this is apples-to-apples comparison.

In OpenSHMEM world "MPI_waitall" would be mapped to shmem_quiet().  
Even with this mapping,  shmem_quiet() has a *stronger* completion semantics if 
you compare it to MPI_waitall.
Quiet guarantees that the data was delivered to a remote memory, while 
MPI_waitall does not provide such guarantee for isend operations.

shmem_barrier_all is a collective operation with embedded shmem_quiet therefore 
it will not scale the same as MPI_waitall.

For more details please see:

Please see 
section 8.7.3

I hope it helps.

Pavel (Pasha) Shamis
Computer Science Research Group
Computer Science and Math Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

On Aug 29, 2014, at 5:26 AM, Timur Ismagilov <tismagi...@mail.ru> wrote:

> Hello!
> What param can i tune to increase perfomance(scalability) for my app (all to 
> all pattern with message size = constant/nnodes)?
> I can read this faq for mpi, but is it correct for shmem?
> I have 2 programm doing the same thing(with same input) each node send 
> messages(message size = constant/nnodes) to random set of nodes (but the same 
> set in prg1 and prg2):
>       • with mpi_isend, mpi_irecv and mpi_waitall
>       • with shmem_put and shmem_barrier_all
> on 1 2 4 8 16 32 nodes thay have same perfomance(scalabilyty)
> on 64 128 256 nodes shmem programm stop scaling but over 512 nodes shmem 
> programm gets much better perfomance than mpi
>            1prg           2prg
>            perf unit     perf unit      
> 1         30              30
> 2         50              53
> 4         75              85
> 8         110            130
> 16       180            200
> 32       310            350
> 64       500            400 (strange)
> 128     830            400 (strange)
> 256     1350           600 (strange)
> 512     1770           2350 (wow!)
> In scalabel shmem(ompi 1.6.5?) I get the same scalability in this programms.
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