On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 05:27:54PM -0400, Gus Correa wrote:
> Thank you, Aurelien!
> Aha, "vader btl", that is new to me!
> I tought Vader was that man dressed in black in Star Wars,
> Obi-Wan Kenobi's nemesis.
> That was a while ago, my kids were children,
> and Alec Guiness younger than Harrison Ford is today.
> Oh, how nostalgic code developers can get when it comes
> to naming things ...
> If I am using "vader", it is totally inadvertent.
> There was no such a thing in Open MPI 1.6 and earlier.
> Now that you mentioned, I can see lots of it in the 1.8.3
> ompi_info output.
> In addition, my stderr files show messages like this:
> imb.e38352:[1,5]<stddiag>:[node13:16334] mca: bml: Not using sm btl to
> [[59987,1],26] on node node13 because vader btl has higher exclusivity
> (65536 > 65535)
> So, you are right, "vader" is taking over and knocking off "sm" (and openib
> and everybody else).
> Darn Vader!
> Probably knem is going down the tubes along with sm, right?

Depends. If there is a reason to continue supporting knem then vader
will be updated to support it. I don't currently see a reason to at this
time though (since sm continues to live for now).

> I was used to sm, openib, self and tcp BTLs.
> I normally just do "btl = ^tcp" in the MCA parameters file,
> to stick to sm, openib, and self.
> That worked fine in 1.6.5 (and earlier), and knem worked
> flawlessly there.
> The same settings in 1.8.3 don't bring up the knem functionality.
> So, this seems to be yet another change in 1.8.3 that I need to learn.
> Can you or some other list subscriber elaborate a bit about
> this 'vader' btl?
> The Open MPI FAQ doesn't have anthing about it.
> What is it after all?
> Does it play the same role as "sm", i.e., an intra-node btl?
> Considering the name, is "vader" good or bad?
> Or better: In which circumstances is "vader" good and when is it bad?

Vader is a btl I originally wrote to support Cray's XPMEM shared memory
interface. It was designed to be cleaner than btl/sm have better small
message latency, bandwidth, and message rates. Because its latency is so
much better than sm I removed the XPMEM requirement and added CMA

> Should I give in to the dark side of the force and keep "vader"
> turned on, or should I just do something like
> "btl = ^tcp,^vader" ?

You can turn off vader if you want to use knem. I would run some tests
to see if there is much of a difference between sm/knem and vader
though. I don't have any systems that have knem installed so I haven't
been able to run these tests myself. I would primarily focus on the
memory usage and the bandwidth.


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