On Oct 16, 2014, at 1:35 PM, Gus Correa <g...@ldeo.columbia.edu> wrote:

> and on the MCA parameter file:
> btl_sm_use_knem = 1

I think the logic enforcing this MCA param got broken when we revamped the MCA 
param system.  :-(

> I am scratching my head to understand why a parameter with such a
> suggestive name ("btl_sm_have_knem_support"),
> so similar to the OMPI_BTL_SM_HAVE_KNEM cpp macro,
> somehow vanished from ompi_info in OMPI 1.8.3.

It looks like this MCA param was also dropped when we revamped the MCA system.  
Doh!  :-(

There's some deep mojo going on that is somehow causing knem to not be used; 
I'm too tired to understand the logic right now.  I just opened 
https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/issues/239 to track this issue -- feel free to 
subscribe to the issue to get updates.

Jeff Squyres
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