> On Oct 27, 2014, at 7:21 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet 
> <gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org> wrote:
> Ralph,
> On 2014/10/28 0:46, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> Actually, I propose to also remove that issue. Simple enough to use a
>> hash_table_32 to handle the jobids, and let that point to a
>> hash_table_32 of vpids. Since we rarely have more than one jobid
>> anyway, the memory overhead actually decreases with this model, and we
>> get rid of that annoying need to memcpy everything. 
> sounds good to me.
> from an implementation/performance point of view, should we put treat
> the local jobid differently ?
> (e.g. use a special variable for the hash_table_32 of the vpids of the
> current jobid)

Not entirely sure - let’s see as we go. My initial thought is “no”, but since 
the use of dynamic jobs is so rare, it might make sense.

>>> as far as i am concerned, i am fine with your proposed suggestion to
>>> dump opal_identifier_t.
>>> about the patch, did you mean you have something ready i can apply to my
>>> PR ?
>>> or do you expect me to do the changes (i am ok to do it if needed)
>> Why don’t I grab your branch, create a separate repo based on it (just to 
>> keep things clean), push it to my area and give you write access? We can 
>> then collaborate on the changes and create a PR from there. This way, you 
>> don’t need to give me write access to your entire repo.
>> Make sense?
> ok to work on an other "somehow shared" repo for that issue.
> i am not convinced you should grab my branch since all the changes i
> made are will be no more valid.
> anyway, feel free to fork a repo from my branch or the master and i will
> work from here.

Okay, I’ll set something up tomorrow

> Cheers,
> Gilles
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