On Oct 28, 2014, at 9:02 AM, maxinator333 <maxinator...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> It doesn't seem to work. (switching off wlan still works)
> mpicc mpiinit.c -o mpiinit.exe; time mpirun --mca btl sm,self -n 2 
> ./mpiinit.exe
> real    0m43.733s
> user    0m0.888s
> sys     0m0.824s

Ah, this must be an ORTE issue, then (i.e., the run-time system beneath the MPI 

Try specifying that ORTE should use the loopback interface:

    mpirun --mca btl sm,self --mca oob_tcp_if_include lo ...

(actually, I don't know what the loopback interface is called on Windows; it's 
typically "lo" in Linux 2.6 kernels...)

Jeff Squyres
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