On 11/12/2014 05:45 PM, Reuti wrote:
Am 12.11.2014 um 17:27 schrieb Reuti:

Am 11.11.2014 um 02:25 schrieb Ralph Castain:

Another thing you can do is (a) ensure you built with —enable-debug,
and then (b) run it with -mca oob_base_verbose 100
(without the tcp_if_include option) so we can watch
the connection handshake and see what it is doing.
The —hetero-nodes will have not affect here and can be ignored.

Done. It really tries to connect to the outside
interface of the headnode. But being there a firewall or not:
the nodes have no clue how to reach -
they have no gateway to this network at all.

I have to revert this.
They think that there is a gateway although it isn't.
When I remove the entry by hand for the gateway in the
routing table it starts up instantly too.

While I can do this on my own cluster I still have the
30 seconds delay on a cluster where I'm not root,
while this can be because of the firewall there.
The gateway on this cluster is indeed going
to the outside world.

Personally I find this behavior a little bit too aggressive
to use all interfaces. If you don't check this carefully
beforehand and start a long running application one might
even not notice the delay during the startup.

-- Reuti

Hi Reuti

You could use the mca parameter file
(say, $prefix/etc/openmpi-mca-params.conf) to configure cluster-wide
the oob (and btl) interfaces to be used.
The users can still override your choices if they want.

Just put a line like this in openmpi-mca-params.conf :

(and similar for btl_tcp_if_include, btl_openib_if_include).

Get a full list from "ompi_info --all --all |grep if_include".

See these FAQ:


Compute nodes tend to be multi-homed, so what criterion would OMPI use
to select one interface among many,
not knowing beforehand what exists in a particular computer?
There would be a risk to make a bad choice.
The current approach gives you everything, and you
pick/select/restrict what you want to fit your needs,
with mca parameters (which can be set in several
ways and with various scopes).

I don't think this bad.
However, I am biased about this.
I like and use the openmpi-mca-params.conf file
to setup sensible defaults.
At least I think they are sensible. :)

Gus Correa

It tries so independent from the internal or external name of the headnode
given in the machinefile - I hit ^C then.
I attached the output of Open MPI 1.8.1 for this setup too.

-- Reuti

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