Sure, I will make the changes and commit to make them OMPI specific.

I will post forward my problems on the devel list.

I will keep you posted. :)

2014-11-27 13:58 GMT+01:00 Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <>:

> On Nov 26, 2014, at 2:08 PM, Nick Papior Andersen <>
> wrote:
> > Here is my commit-msg:
> > "
> > We can now split communicators based on hwloc full capabilities up to
> > I.e.:
> > where NODE is the same as SHARED.
> > "
> >
> > Maybe what I did could be useful somehow?
> > I mean to achieve the effect one could do:
> > comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_TYPE_Node,comm)
> > create new group from all nodes not belonging to this group.
> > This can even be more fine tuned if one wishes to create a group of
> "master" cores on each node.
> I will say that there was a lot of debate about this kind of functionality
> at the MPI Forum.  The problem is that although x86-based clusters are
> quite common these days, they are not the only kind of machines used for
> HPC out there, and the exact definitions of these kinds of concepts
> (hwthread, core, lXcache, socket, numa, ...etc.) can vary between
> architectures.
> Hence, the compromise was to just have MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, where the
> resulting communicator contains processes that share a single memory space.
> That being said, since OMPI uses hwloc for all of its supported
> architectures, it might be worthwhile to have an OMPI extension for
> OMPI_COMM_TYPE_<foo> for the various different types.  One could/should
> only use these new constants if the OPEN_MPI macro is defined and is 1.
> And *that* being said, one of the goals of MPI is portability, so anyone
> using these constants would inherently non-portable.  :-)
> > I have not been able to compile it due to my giving me some
> errors.
> What kind of errors?  (we might want to move this discussion to the devel
> list...)
> >  However, I think it should compile just fine.
> >
> > Do you think it could be useful?
> >
> > If interested you can find my, single commit branch, at:
> This looks interesting.
> Can you file a pull requests against the ompi master, and send something
> to the devel list about this functionality?
> I'd still strongly suggest renaming these constants to the "OMPI_" to
> differentiate them from standard MPI constants / functionality.
> --
> Jeff Squyres
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Kind regards Nick

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