Hi Gilles,

On 12/14/2014 09:20 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet wrote:

can you make your test case (source + input file + howto) available so i
can try to reproduce and fix this ?
I would like to, but the complete app is big (and not public), is on top of PETSc with mkl, and in C++... :-(

I can for sure send you binaries if you have any of the following plateforms (RedHat 6.6, openSUSE 13.1 , openSUSE 12.3 , Fedora 19, RedHat 5.7 or openSUSE 11.3 ) and input files (maybe we could get it run in a chrooted environnement? but I never tried this), but our source code I don't think I can... but I would like to post a simple example showing the problem...

Based on the stack trace, i assume this is a complete end user application.
have you tried/been able to reproduce the same kind of crash with a
trimmed test program ?
I am trying to do so right now... ;-)

I try to reproduce the very exact order for open/close of files by MPI followed with "normal" open of the file, etc...

If I can reproduce the problem, I will send it immediatly to the list. It is an intermittent problem, but valgrind seems to catch it every time!

I will work on this this evening and in the following days, hoping to send it in time before the final release...

BTW, what kind of filesystem is hosting Resultats.Eta1 ? (e.g. ext4 /
nfs / lustre / other)

It is a local hard drive with ext4.

oh, just noticed that one of my mail didn't made it to the list... I will try to resend it now... contains a few hints...

Merci! :-)


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