
thanks for the simple test program.

i think i see what is going wrong and i will make some changes to avoid
the memory overflow.

that being said, there is a hard coded limit of 256 characters, and your
path is bigger than 300 characters.
bottom line, and even if there is no more memory overflow, that cannot
work as expected.

i will report this to the mpich folks, since romio is currently imported
from mpich.



On 2014/12/16 0:16, Eric Chamberland wrote:
> Hi Gilles,
> just created a very simple test case!
> with this setup, you will see the bug with valgrind:
> export
> too_long=./this/is/a_very/long/path/that/contains/a/not/so/long/filename/but/trying/to/collectively/mpi_file_open/it/you/will/have/a/memory/corruption/resulting/of/invalide/writing/or/reading/past/the/end/of/one/or/some/hidden/strings/in/mpio/Simple/user/would/like/to/have/the/parameter/checked/and/an/error/returned/or/this/limit/removed
> mpicc -o bug_MPI_File_open_path_too_long
> bug_MPI_File_open_path_too_long.c
> mkdir -p $too_long
> echo "header of a text file" > $too_long/toto.txt
> mpirun -np 2 valgrind ./bug_MPI_File_open_path_too_long 
> $too_long/toto.txt
> and watch the errors!
> unfortunately, the memory corruptions here doesn't seem to segfault
> this simple test case, but in my case, it is fatal and with valgrind,
> it is reported...
> OpenMPI 1.6.5, 1.8.3rc3 are affected
> MPICH-3.1.3 also have the error!
> thanks,
> Eric

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