If you add the following to your environment, you should run on multiple

OMPI_MCA_orte_default_hostfile=<your hostfile>

The first tells OMPI to map-by node. The second passes in your default
hostfile so you don't need to specify it as an Info key.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Evan Samanas <evan.sama...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ralph,
> Good to know you've reproduced it.  I was experiencing this using both the
> hostfile and host key.  A simple comm_spawn was working for me as well, but
> it was only launching locally, and I'm pretty sure each node only has 4
> slots given past behavior (the mpirun -np 8 example I gave in my first
> email launches on both hosts).  Is there a way to specify the hosts I want
> to launch on without the hostfile or host key so I can test remote launch?
> And to the "hostname" response...no wonder it was hanging!  I just
> constructed that as a basic example.  In my real use I'm launching
> something that calls MPI_Init.
> Evan
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