On May 29, 2015, at 11:19 AM, Timothy Brown <timothy.brow...@colorado.edu> 
> I've built Openmpi 1.8.5 with the following configure line:
> ./configure  \
>  --prefix=/curc/tools/x86_64/rh6/software/openmpi/1.8.5/pgi/15.3 \
>  --with-threads=posix \
>  --enable-mpi-thread-multiple \
>  --with-slurm \
>  --with-pmi=/curc/slurm/slurm/current/
> Please note, I am using the following environment variables:
> CC=pgcc
> FC=pgfortran
> F90=pgf90
> F77=pgf77
> CXX=pgc++

Sweet -- thanks for the info, Tim.

One extremely minor tweak that I would recommend is to do this, instead:

./configure  \
 CC=pgcc \
 FC=pgfortran \
 F90=pgf90 \
 F77=pgf77 \
 CXX=pgc++ \
 --prefix=/curc/tools/x86_64/rh6/software/openmpi/1.8.5/pgi/15.3 \
 --with-threads=posix \
 --enable-mpi-thread-multiple \
 --with-slurm \

I.e., set those environment variables on the configure command line instead of 
having them in your environment.

The end effect is exactly the same -- the only difference is that these 
environment variables will be explicitly listed right at the top in the 
config.log file that is generated when you run configure.  It's a very minor 
thing -- just for helping your future self when remembering exactly how your 
copy of Open MPI was built.

Jeff Squyres
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