Hello Nate,

As a first step to addressing this, could you please try using gcc rather
than the Intel compilers to build Open MPI?

We've been doing a lot of work recently on the java bindings, etc. but have
never tried using any compilers other
than gcc when working with the java bindings.



2015-08-03 17:36 GMT-06:00 Nate Chambers <ncham...@usna.edu>:

> We've been struggling with this error for a while, so hoping someone more
> knowledgeable can help!
> Our java MPI code exits with a segfault during its normal operation, *but
> the segfault occurs before our code ever uses MPI functionality like
> sending/receiving. *We've removed all message calls and any use of
> MPI.COMM_WORLD from the code. The segfault occurs if we call MPI.init(args)
> in our code, and does not if we comment that line out. Further vexing us,
> the crash doesn't happen at the point of the MPI.init call, but later on in
> the program. I don't have an easy-to-run example here because our non-MPI
> code is so large and complicated. We have run simpler test programs with
> MPI and the segfault does not occur.
> We have isolated the line where the segfault occurs. However, if we
> comment that out, the program will run longer, but then randomly (but
> deterministically) segfault later on in the code. Does anyone have tips on
> how to debug this? We have tried several flags with mpirun, but no good
> clues.
> We have also tried several MPI versions, including stable 1.8.7 and the
> most recent 1.8.8rc1
> - config.log from installation
> - output from `ompi_info -all`
> > mpirun -np 2 java -mx4g FeaturizeDay datadir/ days.txt
> ...
> some normal output from our code
> ...
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 29646 on node r9n69 exited on
> signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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