Call MPI from C code, where you will have all the preprocessor support you
need.  Wrap that C code with Fortran 2003 ISO_C_BINDING.  If you don't have
neighborhood collectives from MPI-3, you can implement them using MPI-1
yourself in the interface between your Fortran code and MPI C bindings.
This will ensure you don't need Fortran preprocessing.

I end up doing this (except for the Fortran part) with MPI RMA code.  For
example, I have a wrapper for MPI_Win_allocate, which drops into
MPI_Alloc_mem+MPI_Win_create when only MPI-2 is available.


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Brian Dobbins <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>   This isn't really a problem, per se, but rather a search for a more
> elegant solution.  It also isn't specific to OpenMPI, but I figure the
> experience and knowledge of people here made it a suitable place to ask:
>   I'm working on some code that'll be used and downloaded by others on
> multiple systems, and this code is using some MPI3 features (neighborhood
> collectives), but not everyone has the latest MPI libraries, many people
> will be running the code on systems without these functions.
>   If this were a C/C++ code, it'd be quite easy to deal with this as
> 'mpi.h' has MPI_VERSION as a #define, so I can use a preprocessor check to
> conditionally compile either the neighbor routines or the old
> point-to-point routines.  However, Fortran obviously doesn't use #define
> natively, and so the mpif.h (or MPI module) simply define MPI_VERSION as a
> parameter - I can use it in the code, but not at the preprocessor level.
> So, putting the MPI3 neighborhood collective in the code, even in a
> non-executed codepath, results in an error when linking with an MPI2
> library since the routine isn't found.
>   Obviously I can just have the user supply the -DMPI_VERSION=3 flag (or a
> different one, since this *is* a parameter name) *if they know* their MPI
> is version 3, and I intend to submit a patch to Cmake's FindMPI command to
> detect this automatically, but is there a *better* way to do this for
> projects that aren't using Cmake?  Scientists don't typically know what
> version of MPI they're running, so the more that can be detected and
> handled automatically the better.  (Providing stub versions that link
> *after* the main library (and thus don't get chosen, I think) also seems
> less than elegant.)
>   To make it slightly more broad - if new MPI versions outpace library
> obsolescence on existing systems, what's the ideal way to write portable
> Fortran code that uses the most recent features?  Is there a way to use or
> change MPI_VERSION and MPI_SUBVERSION such that they can be used to
> conditionally compile code in Fortran built by standard 'Make' processes?
> Is 'recommending' that the mpif90/mpif77 commands provide them a terrible,
> terrible idea?
> Or any other suggestions?
>   Thanks,
>   - Brian
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