On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Brian Dobbins <bdobb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.scie...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You can consult http://meetings.mpi-forum.org/mpi3-impl-status-Mar15.pdf
>> to see the status of all implementations w.r.t. MPI-3 as of one year ago.
> Thank you - that's something I was curious about, and it's incredibly
> helpful.  Some places seem to not update their libraries terribly often,
> perhaps for stability/reproducibility reasons, and one of the primary
> systems I'm using still has an MPI2 library as the default.  I suspected,
> but hadn't known, that MPI3 versions were already widely available.  Anyone
> else still have an MPI2 library as the default on their systems?
If you want to support IBM Blue Gene MPI and Fujitsu MPI, you should verify
MPI-3 support there.  Every other machine I know about has the ability to
support MPI-3.

Calling from C code is another workable but less-than-elegant solution,
> since not everyone knows C, even the basics of it, plus it adds a bit of
> complexity.  I think maybe I'll just plan on 'expecting' MPI3 and using
> macros to tackle the edge-case of MPI2/2.1.
Sure, but more people know C than Fortran :-)

> Still, I wish there was an automatic -DMPI_VERSION=30 flag (or something
> similar) added implicitly by the MPI command line.  Maybe, since
> MPI_VERSION and MPI_SUBVERSION are taken, an MPI_FEATURES one (eg,
> -DMPI_FEATURES=30, combining version and subversion)?  I guess it's rarely
> needed except in situations where you have new codes on older systems,
> though.
This is a great feature suggestion for the MPI Fortran compiler wrapper
scripts.  The behavior of these scripts is not standardized, but if
Open-MPI and MPICH support this, that's pretty close to standardized :-)


> Any other perspectives on this?
> Cheers,
>   - Brian
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Jeff Hammond

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