> On Feb 27, 2017, at 4:58 AM, Angel de Vicente <ang...@iac.es> wrote:
> Hi,
> "r...@open-mpi.org" <r...@open-mpi.org> writes:
>> You might want to try using the DVM (distributed virtual machine)
>> mode in ORTE. You can start it on an allocation using the “orte-dvm”
>> cmd, and then submit jobs to it with “mpirun --hnp <foo>”, where foo
>> is either the contact info printed out by orte-dvm, or the name of
>> the file you told orte-dvm to put that info in. You’ll need to take
>> it from OMPI master at this point.
> this question looked interesting so I gave it a try. In a cluster with
> Slurm I had no problem submitting a job which launched an orte-dvm
> -report-uri ... and then use that file to launch jobs onto that virtual
> machine via orte-submit. 
> To be useful to us at this point, I should be able to start executing
> jobs if there are cores available and just hold them in a queue if the
> cores are already filled. At this point this is not happenning, and if I
> try to submit a second job while the previous one has not finished, I
> get a message like:
> ,----
> | DVM ready
> | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | All nodes which are allocated for this job are already filled.
> | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> `----
> With the DVM, is it possible to keep these jobs in some sort of queue,
> so that they will be executed when the cores get free?

It wouldn’t be hard to do so - as long as it was just a simple FIFO scheduler. 
I wouldn’t want it to get too complex.

> Thanks,
> -- 
> Ángel de Vicente
> http://www.iac.es/galeria/angelv/          
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