might want to ask the MPICH folks. This is the Open MPI mailing list 

> On Sep 19, 2017, at 7:38 AM, Aragorn Inocencio <> 
> wrote:
> Good evening,
> Thank you for taking the time to develop and assist in the use of this tool.
> I am trying to install the latest mpich-3.2 version to run Reef3D and my 
> current setup is as follows (sorry I don't know which data is relevant so I'm 
> including as much as possible):
> Windows 7 Professional SP 1
> Installed cygwin using the instructions from the Reef3D manual
> C compiler previously installed on my laptop is Dev C++ 5.8.2, with the 
> Compiler Options saying "Compiler set to configure" "TDM-GCC 4.8.1 64-bit 
> Release"
> echo $shell throws me "/bin/bash"
> So I have successfully done the configure step (step d) in the readme, but 
> running the make command gives me various errors such as: 
> error: redefinition of ‘struct hostent’
> arning: #warning "fd_set and associated macros have been defined in 
> sys/types.      This can cause runtime problems with W32 sockets" [-Wcpp]
> /usr/include/w32api/winsock2.h:976:34: error: conflicting types for ‘connect’
> etc. The main logs are attached for reference as instructed in the readme; 
> however I could not find 
> mpich-3.2/src/pm/hydra/tools/topo/hwloc/hwloc/config.log in the designated 
> folder.  The mv.txt is the output for when running the make V=1 command, so I 
> didn't overwrite the previous m.txt
> Much appreciated.
> -- 
> Ismael Aragorn D. Inocencio
> Civil Engineer
> -- 
> Ismael Aragorn D. Inocencio
> Civil Engineer
> <src error><main error 
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