It depends on the transport used. If there is a high-performance network (Cray 
Aries, Infiniband, etc) then the progress is handled by the hardware. For other 
networks (Infinipath, Omnipath, TCP, etc) there are options.

For TCP you can set:

 --mca btl_tcp_progress_thread 1

No such option currently exists for Infinipath and Omnipath. Though with those 
networks you can use verbs but Intel does not support that mode of operation and 
the performance can be bad for some operations (> 100 us latency on 
compare-and-swap for example).

I don't know how well tested this support is. There haven't been many requests 
for this feature so not much work has been done on it.


On Feb 16, 2018, at 08:46 AM, Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed Eleliemy 
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I used to work with MPICH. I am trying now to compare and switch to OpenMPI. I 
am using OpenMPI version 2.1.1.
To have progress for one-sided communications (in the passive mode). I used to 
export the following environment variable MPICH_ASYNC_PROGRESS=1
My questions are: 1. What would be the equivalent option for openmpi?
2. How openmpi handle the progress of the one-sided communications?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

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