It was originally for performance reasons, but this should be fixed at this 
point. I am not aware of correctness problems.

However, let me try to clarify your question about: What do you precisely mean 
by "MPI I/O on Lustre mounts without flock"? Was the Lustre filesystem mounted 
without flock? If yes, that could lead to some problems, we had that on our 
Lustre installation for a while, but problems were even occurring without MPI 
I/O in that case (although I do not recall all details, just that we had to 
change the mount options). Maybe just take a testsuite (either ours or HDF5), 
make sure to run it in a multi-node configuration and see whether it works 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: users [] On Behalf Of Dave
> Love
> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2018 5:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: [OMPI users] ompio on Lustre
> Is romio preferred over ompio on Lustre for performance or correctness?
> If it's relevant, the context is MPI-IO on Lustre mounts without flock, which
> ompio doesn't seem to require.
> Thanks.
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