On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 17:48:30 +0000
"Mccall, Kurt E. \(MSFC-EV41\) via users" <users@lists.open-mpi.org>

> I'm trying to debug a problem with my job, launched with the mpiexec
> options -display-map and -display-allocation, but I don't know how to
> interpret the output.   For example,  mpiexec displays the following
> when a job is spawned by MPI_Comm_spawn():
> ======================   ALLOCATED NODES   ======================
>         n002: flags=0x11 slots=3 max_slots=0 slots_inuse=2 state=UP
>         n001: flags=0x13 slots=3 max_slots=0 slots_inuse=1 state=UP
> Maybe the differing "flags" values have bearing on the problem, but I
> don't know what they mean.   Are the outputs of these two options
> documented anywhere?

I don't know of any such specific documentation but the flag values are
defined in:

 orte/util/attr.h:54 (openmpi-3.1.4)

The difference between your nodes (bit value 0x2) means:

 #define ORTE_NODE_FLAG_LOC_VERIFIED       0x02   

 // whether or not the location has been verified - used for
 // environments where the daemon's final destination is uncertain

I do not know what that means exactly but it is not related to pinning
on or off.

Seems to indicate a broken launch and/or install and/or environment.

/Peter K

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