When using mpirun, how do you pick which ports are used?

I’ve tried:

mpirun --mca btl_tcp_port_min_v4 46207  --mca btl_tcp_port_range_v4 32 --mca 
oob_tcp_keepalive_time 45 --mca oob_tcp_max_recon_attempts 20 --mca 
oob_tcp_retry_delay  1 --mca oob_tcp_keepalive_probes 20 --mca 
oob_tcp_keepalive_intvl 10 true

And also setting similar things in openmpi/etc/openmpi-mca-params.conf :
btl_tcp_port_min_v4 = 46207
btl_tcp_port_range_v4 = 32
oob_tcp_keepalive_time = 45
oob_tcp_max_recon_attempts = 20
oob_tcp_retry_delay = 1
oob_tcp_keepalive_probes = 20
oob_tcp_keepalive_intvl = 10

But when the process is running:

ss -l -p -n | grep "pid=57642,"
tcp  LISTEN 0      128                                              *           
tcp  LISTEN 0      128                                                *           

What am I doing wrong, and how do I get it to use my desired ports (and other 
settings above)?

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