
This isn't specifically an Open MPI issue, but as that is the MPI stack I
use on my laptop, I'm hoping someone here might have a possible solution.
(I am pretty sure something like MPICH would trigger this as well.)

Namely, my employer recently did something somewhere so that now *any* MPI
application I run will throw popups like this one:

though for me it's asking about "orterun" and "helloworld.mpi3.exe", etc. I
essentially get one-per-process.

If I had sudo access, I suppose I could just keep clicking "Allow" for
every program, but I don't and I compile lots of programs with different

So, I was hoping maybe an Open MPI guru out there knew of an MCA thing I
could use to avoid them? This is all isolated on-my-laptop MPI I'm doing,
so at most an "mpirun --oversubscribe -np 12" or something. It'll never go
over my network to anything, etc.

Matt Thompson
   “The fact is, this is about us identifying what we do best and
   finding more ways of doing less of it better” -- Director of Better Anna

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