  I had a user that wrote in having trouble with them maybe a year ago.  They 
were building a web page which would launch jobs on a big machine upon demand 
and the whole thing was written in Java.  The trouble they had was that I had 
not enabled Java at build time.  So, there is at least one user out there.

From: users <users-boun...@lists.open-mpi.org> on behalf of Jeff Squyres 
(jsquyres) via users <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 4:29 PM
To: Open MPI Users; Open MPI Developers
Cc: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
Subject: [External] [OMPI users] Open MPI Java MPI bindings

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During a planning meeting for Open MPI v5.0.0 today, the question came up: is 
anyone using the Open MPI Java bindings?

These bindings are not​ official MPI Forum bindings -- they are an Open 
MPI-specific extension.  They were added a few years ago as a result of a 
research project.

We ask this question because we're wondering if it's worthwhile to bring these 
bindings forward to the v5.0.x series, or whether we should remove them from 
v5.0.x, and just leave them available back in the v4.0.x and v4.1.x series.

Please reply here to this list if you are using the Open MPI Java bindings, or 
know of anyone who is using them.

Thank you!

Jeff Squyres

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