You can use:

    ./configure --enable-mca-no-build=btl-openib,pml-ucx,mtl-psm

That should probably do it in the 3.x and 4.x series.

You can double check after it installs: look in $prefix/lib/openmpi for any 
files with "ucx", "openib", or "psm" in them.  If they're there, remove them 
(those are the IB plugins).  You can further run "ompi_info" and look for 
"ucx", "openib", and/or "psm" in the output (ompi_info shows all 
currently-available plugins -- take from both plugins that were statically 
compiled into Open MPI's libraries and from what's available in 
$prefix/lib/openmpi [the latter is the default]).  If ompi_info doesn't show 
any output with "ucx", "openib", and/or "psm", then your Open MPI does not 
contain any IB support.

Jeff Squyres
From: users <> on behalf of Gestió Servidors 
via users <>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 10:38 AM
To: <>
Cc: Gestió Servidors <>
Subject: [OMPI users] Compile options to disable Infiniband


I’m getting several errors and problems with an old OpenMPI installation. 
Versions 3.1.5, 4.0.2 and 4.1.4 compiled with Infiniband support 
(--with-verbs). I don’t know why, now that versions are failing with my OpenMPI 
programs and, after running some tests and OMPI recompilations, I would like to 
run a “clean” compilation with NO Infiniband support (in other words, I need to 
be 100% sure that OpenMPI will NOT detect any Qlogic card/device as “ib0”) 
because I only want to use my ethernet card “ethX”.

How are that compilation parameters in “configure” to disable Infiniband 

Thanks a lot!

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