Hello again,

I should add that the openmpi configure decides to use the internal pmix

configure: WARNING: discovered external PMIx version is less than internal 
version 3.x                                    
configure: WARNING: using internal PMIx
checking if user requested PMI support... yes
checking for pmi.h in /usr/include... not found
checking for pmi.h in /usr/include/slurm... found
checking pmi.h usability... yes
checking pmi.h presence... yes
checking for pmi.h... yes
checking for libpmi in /usr/lib64... found
checking for PMI_Init in -lpmi... yes
checking for pmi2.h in /usr/include... not found
checking for pmi2.h in /usr/include/slurm... found
checking pmi2.h usability... yes
checking pmi2.h presence... yes
checking for pmi2.h... yes
checking for libpmi2 in /usr/lib64... found
checking for PMI2_Init in -lpmi2... yes
checking for pmix.h in ... not found
checking for pmix.h in /include... not found
checking can PMI support be built... yes
checking if user requested internal PMIx support(yes)... no
checking for pmix.h in /usr... not found
checking for pmix.h in /usr/include... found
checking libpmix.* in /usr/lib64... found
checking PMIx version... version file found
checking version 4x... found
checking PMIx version to be used... internal

I am not sure how it decides that, the external one is already a quite
new version.

# srun --mpi=list
MPI plugin types are...
specific pmix plugin versions available: pmix_v4

Best Regards


Dr. rer. nat. Christof Köhler       email: c.koeh...@uni-bremen.de
Universitaet Bremen/FB1/BCCMS       phone:  +49-(0)421-218-62334
Am Fallturm 1/ TAB/ Raum 3.06       fax: +49-(0)421-218-62770
28359 Bremen  

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