I had something like this happen on a test cluster of Raspberry Pis several
years ago, and in my case, I was able to isolate it to being an MPI issue
unrelated to SLURM. If you can run directly on the nodes, that might be a
useful distinction for you to try to make. (Running "directly" might mean
manually doing "miprun -n <n>" inside an srun-dispatched shell, if you
can''t bypass SLURM, which you shouldn't anyways.)

In my case, on the four-core RPi, running e.g. two two-way jobs just
oversubscribed the first two cores, whether run from SLURM or directly.

I found a work-around, was to use the "--map-by socket" argument to mpirun.

I don't think I ever figured it out -- it was a short-lifetime test cluster
that I was using to explore SLURM config options. I also don't recall which
version of OpenMPI it was, but I'd guess it was the one that's packaged for
Debian/Raspbian 11, which is 4.1.0.

  -- A.

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 5:06 PM Christopher Daley via users <
users@lists.open-mpi.org> wrote:

> Dear Support,
> I'm seeking clarification about the expected behavior of mpirun in Slurm
> jobs.
> Our setup consists of using Slurm for resource allocation and OpenMPI
> mpirun to launch MPI applications. We have found that when two Slurm jobs
> have been allocated different cores on the same compute node that the MPI
> ranks in Slurm job 1 map to the same cores as Slurm job 2. It appears that
> OpenMPI mpirun is not considering the details of the Slurm allocation. We
> get expected behavior when srun is employed as the MPI launcher instead of
> mpirun, i.e. the MPI ranks in Slurm job 1 use different cores than the MPI
> ranks in Slurm job 2.
> We have observed this with OpenMPI-4.1.6 and OpenMPI-5.0.2. Should we
> expect that the mpirun in each job will only use the exact cores that were
> allocated by Slurm?
> Thanks,
> Chris

Andrew Reid / andrew.ce.r...@gmail.com

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