Hi Jason,

Could you send your VM template?

If I'm guessing right, disk 1 wasn't created from an image in the
The error you are getting is because the onevm command can't find the
IMAGE_ID inside your DISK attribute. The reason why it tries to find the
source image is because it wants to specify the type for the new image, and
it wasn't provided with the -t option.

I have opened a ticket [1], but meanwhile you could just add the "-t OS"


[1] http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/327

Carlos Martín, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
DSA Research Group: web http://dsa-research.org and blog
OpenNebula Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing:

On 22 August 2010 20:47, Jason Heiss <jhe...@aput.net> wrote:

> I'm trying to use the onevm saveas functionality in 2.0 beta 1, but it
> doesn't seem to like me:
> # onevm saveas 8 1 myimage
> ID not defined
> I've deleted and recreated the VM with no luck.  Still fiddling around to
> see if I can figure it out, but I thought I'd throw it out and see if anyone
> had an idea.
> The VM ID should be fine:
> # onevm list
>   ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>    8 oneadmin      vm1 runn   0 1048576 00 00:29:22
> The disk ID as well:
> # onevm show 8 | egrep 'DISK|DISK_ID|TYPE'
> DISK=[
>  DISK_ID=0,
> DISK=[
>  DISK_ID=1,
> DISK=[
>  DISK_ID=2,
>  TYPE=swap ]
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