
well it looks you're almost there :)

I see that you declared a ROOT argument in the OS section in your VM
template. However I think it is not necessary for KVM and unless you
have specified a kernel [1]. Maybe the problem comes from there.

If not, can you paste the output of "oneimage show 1"? Maybe there is
something missing in the image template...

Hope it helps,



El 13/06/11 20:24, Robert Schweikert escribió:
> Hi,
> Thanks for all the help so far, getting closer to getting things
> working. I have now managed to setup a head node with oned running and a
> cloud node to dispatch VMs. Both built as appliances and the cloud node
> registers itself with the head node. Write up on this will follow on
> openSUSE as soon as I can actually get a guest to run.
> I have created a qcow2 format image that I can start manually on the
> cloud node as follows:
> # kvm filename.qcow2 -vnc
> From another machine that runs X I can then use
> -> vncviewer
> and access the running VM.
> However, the OpenNebula VM created from the same image results in the
> following error:
> """
> Starting SeaBIOS (version 0.5.1-......)
> gPXE (http:......) .......
> Booting from Hard Disk....
> Boot failed: not a bootable disk
> No bottable device
> """
> The description of the VM is as follows:
> NAME   = suse-test
> MEMORY = 512
> CPU    = 1
> OS     = [ ARCH = x86_64,
>            BOOT = hd,
>            ROOT = sda1 ]
> DISK   = [ IMAGE_ID  = 1 ]
> NIC    = [ MAC = "00:16:3e:7e:18:26",
>            BRIDGE = br0 ]
> GRAPHICS = [ TYPE   = "vnc",
>              LISTEN = "",
>              PORT   = "5905" ]
> I take it the failure has something to do with the virtual disk layout.
> When I loop mount the .raw disk image that was used to generate the
> qcow2 image
> # losetup /dev/loop0  filename.raw
> # kpartx  -a /dev/loop0
> I can verify that the disk has only 1 partition (expected to show up as
> /dev/sda1) in the VM. I can also verify this in the VM I started with
> kvm directly.
> The created image has an MBR that contains GRUB.
> How do I get this image to run on OpenNebula?
> Let me know if I missed any important information needed to help with
> this issue.
> Thanks,
> Robert

Héctor Sanjuán
OpenNebula Sunstone Developer
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